Ghtna welcomes readers and visitors to review the terms and conditions for using Ghtna and its associated content, services, and applications. You can access the content of Ghtna through multiple channels, including our website (, digital platforms, and social media channels.
By using our content, services, images, videos, or any other information, readers and visitors must accept these "Terms and Conditions of Use," which also include Ghtna's Privacy Policy. If you have any objections or reservations regarding any clause in these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy, you may contact Ghtna by emailing us at However, Ghtna reserves the right to accept or reject any objections or reservations at its discretion.
User Compliance
All users of Ghtna are required to comply with these Terms and Conditions. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of accounts or prohibition from accessing the website.
Intellectual Property Rights
The content, logos, copyrights, trademarks, patents, images, text, graphics, domain names, audio, video, and other related intellectual property rights or features of Ghtna are owned by Ghtna. Users do not have any rights to Ghtna’s intellectual property, whether for commercial or non-commercial use. Users are also prohibited from creating derivative works from Ghtna's content.
Your Use of Our Services
Users are required to use Ghtna's services for lawful purposes and only for reading or viewing. Audio and video content may only be listened to or viewed; modifications or alterations are prohibited. Ghtna encourages users to share content on their social media profiles, groups, and related communities, but the content must not be shared with any modifications or alterations.
Users are expected to use the services solely for non-commercial purposes. Content on Ghtna may only be used for personal and private purposes. Exploiting, selling, or using any content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
Taking Down Content
Ghtna reserves the right to remove any content from the website at any time. Users must remove content from their devices if requested by Ghtna.
Unauthorized and Prohibited Activities
Users are specifically prohibited from associating Ghtna with any political party, engaging in racism, sexism, or other actions that damage Ghtna’s reputation. Defaming Ghtna, harassing, bullying, or upsetting others is strictly prohibited. Users must not post or upload any offensive, obscene, or immoral images or comments. Personal attacks in comments or images are also prohibited.
Prohibition on Sharing Marks, Content, and Images
Users are prohibited from sharing Ghtna's marks, content, or images for any purpose, whether commercial or non-commercial. Users are also prohibited from taking credit for content or images shared, published, or generated by Ghtna.